Given a 2d grid map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally or vertically. You may assume all four edges of the grid are all surrounded by water.
Example 1:
Output: 1
Approach #1 DFS
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity : O(_M×N) where M is the number of rows and _N is the number of columns.
Space complexity : worst case O(_M×N) in case that the grid map is filled with lands where DFS goes by M×_N deep.
classSolution {publicintnumIsLands(char[][] grid) {if (grid ==null||grid.length==0) {return0; }int nr =grid.length;int nc = grid[0].length;int num_islands =0;for (int r =0; r < nr; r++) {for (int c =0; c < nc; c++) {if (grid[r][c] =='1') { num_islands++;dfs(grid, r, c); } } }return num_islands; }privatevoiddfs(char[][] grid,int r,int c) {int nr =grid.length;int nc = grid[0].length;if (r <0|| c <0|| r >= nr || c >= nc || grid[r][c] =='0') {return; } grid[r][c] ='0';dfs(grid, r -1, c);dfs(grid, r +1, c);dfs(grid, r, c -1);dfs(grid, r, c +1); }}
Approach #2 BFS
mplexity Analysis
Time complexity : O(_M×N) where M is the number of rows and _N is the number of columns.
Space complexity : O(_min(M,N)) because in worst case where the grid is filled with lands, the size of queue can grow up to min(M,,_N).
classSolution {publicintnumIsland(char[][] grid) {if (grid ==null||grid.length==0) return0;int nr =grid.length;int nc = grid[0].length;int num_islands =0;for (int r =0; r < nr; r++) {for (int c =0; c < nc; c++) {if (grid[r][c] =='1') { num_islands++; grid[r][c] ='0'; // mark as visitedQueue<Integer> neighbors =newLinkedList<>();neighbors.add(r * nc + c);while (!neighbors.isEmpty()) {int id =neighbors.remove();int row = id / nc;int col = id % nc;if ( row -1>=0&& grid[row-1][col] =='1') {neighbors.add((row -1) * nc + col); grid[row-1][col] ='0'; }if (row +1< nr && grid[row+1][col] =='1') {neighbors.add((row+1) * nc + col); grid[row+1][col] ='0'; }if (col -1>=0&& grid[row][col-1] =='1') {neighbors.add(row * nc + col -1); grid[row][col -1] ='0'; }if (col +1< nc && grid[row][col+1] =='1') {neighbors.add(row * nc + col +1); grid[row][col+1] ='0'; } } } } } }}
Approach #3 Union Find (aka Disjoint Set) Confusion
classSolution {classUnionFind {int count; // # of connected componentsint[] parent;int[] rank;publicUnionFind(char[][] grid) { // for problem 200 count =0;int m =grid.length;int n = grid[0].length; parent =newint[m * n]; rank =newint[m * n];for (int i =0; i < m; ++i) {for (int j =0; j < n; ++j) {if (grid[i][j] =='1') { parent[i * n + j] = i * n + j;++count; } rank[i * n + j] =0; } } }publicintfind(int i) { // path compressionif (parent[i] != i) parent[i] =find(parent[i]);return parent[i]; }publicvoidunion(int x,int y) { // union with rankint rootx =find(x);int rooty =find(y);if (rootx != rooty) {if (rank[rootx] > rank[rooty]) { parent[rooty] = rootx; } elseif (rank[rootx] < rank[rooty]) { parent[rootx] = rooty; } else { parent[rooty] = rootx; rank[rootx] +=1; }--count; } }publicintgetCount() {return count; } }publicintnumIslands(char[][] grid) {if (grid ==null||grid.length==0) {return0; }int nr =grid.length;int nc = grid[0].length;int num_islands =0;UnionFind uf =newUnionFind(grid);for (int r =0; r < nr; ++r) {for (int c =0; c < nc; ++c) {if (grid[r][c] =='1') { grid[r][c] ='0';if (r -1>=0&& grid[r-1][c] =='1') {uf.union(r * nc + c, (r-1) * nc + c); }if (r +1< nr && grid[r+1][c] =='1') {uf.union(r * nc + c, (r+1) * nc + c); }if (c -1>=0&& grid[r][c-1] =='1') {uf.union(r * nc + c, r * nc + c -1); }if (c +1< nc && grid[r][c+1] =='1') {uf.union(r * nc + c, r * nc + c +1); } } } }returnuf.getCount(); }}